Our goal at AssistiveWare is to make Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) an effective and accepted means of communication. We do this by sharing AAC knowledge in the Learn AAC section of our website. We also have an extensive Support section full of articles on how to use our AAC apps. However, we were missing resources that make using AAC every day easy, so we created the AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom.
The AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom
- 2 minute read
The doors to the AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom are open! The Core Word Classroom is a free resource designed to support the implementation of any communication device based on core words.

Everything in the Core Word Classroom was developed around three best practices:
#1 - Use core words
Core words are a small number of words that make up most of what we say daily. Research and best practice shows that AAC users need access to a robust, balanced AAC system with core words. When we provide access to these words, we give AAC users power and flexibility in their communication. The AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom resources support an AAC team or family to plan and implement core words into everyday activities and routines.
#2 - Focus on modeling / Aided Language Stimulation
AAC users need to see their system being used by the people around them in real situations, communicating real messages. The team needs to focus on modeling core words consistently throughout the day. The AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom has a big focus on modeling. It provides materials to make it easier for teams and families to model core words regularly in daily situations and during speech therapy sessions.
#3 - Communicate everywhere
While the Core Word Classroom may sound teacher/student/school focused, we encourage anyone supporting someone using AAC to join our classroom. Communicating everywhere means having some form of AAC available, no matter the situation. In the Core Word Classroom, you’ll find communication boards you can download, print, laminate, and use anywhere.
Download the original Proloquo2Go core word board
What will you find in AssistiveWare’s Core Word Classroom?
All of our materials focus on three essential elements: the 3W’s:
Words: The core words that could be used for the activity
Whys: The reasons why we communicate (e.g., Needs and wants, Giving and getting information, Social Interaction)
Ways: The ways we combine words and add word inflections
The Core Word Classroom provides a comprehensive plan to build language for your AAC users - and to move beyond nouns and requesting!
While the resources are mostly PDF documents like core word planners and modeling guides, you will also find videos, reference lists, and core word displays you can print and prominently display in your classroom or home.
How can you access the AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom?
Click here to access the AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom. The classroom is always open for you!
We can’t wait to see what you do with the AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom materials! Will you — Model more core? Or perhaps fill 5 minutes with core word learning? Change the life of AAC users? We hope so!