Blogs with tag AAC in the classroom


AAC parents and professionals working together
How can we create the most suitable circumstances for an AAC user to succeed? How do we communicate and collaborate at home and in school? Our kids win when we can find ways to work together. By listening, engaging, and encouraging, both parents and professionals can help our AAC users thrive together.
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Communication is conversation
Get a peek inside the classroom with Tyrone, Alana and Andrew – all Proloquo2Go AAC users – and see how they are learning to advance their communication skills.
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All their stories
The boys at the Black Mountain School in Australia use Pictello to express their storytelling skills. They are very excited that they can create stories themselves to share with their family and friends.
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Wonderful (Core) Words of the Week
AssistiveWare's SLPs Amanda and Jennifer look at the Core Word of the Week Planners, one of the resources of the AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom, which help with focused modeling and teaching of a specific core word.
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The greatest gift: Niveyah's story
Niveyah has just started third grade, where she is an active member of her class. Not only is AAC vital to her school work, it plays an important role in having fun too!
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Teaching Core Words: using WOW vs PAW
AssistiveWare's SLPs Amanda and Jennifer look at the different resources of the AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom that can help you plan for core words throughout the day.
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5 minute fillers: Fill every minute with core words!
AssistiveWare's SLPs Amanda and Jennifer look at the different resources of the AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom that can help you plan for core words throughout the day. Read about one of the most popular resources in the classroom.
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Planning for core words
Are you looking for more ways to bring core words into your everyday routines? Do you often struggle to think of what core words you could teach and model? Do you find yourself in a rut of modeling requesting, but find it harder to think about other communication functions to teach? If so, you need our Core Word Planners!
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The AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom
The doors to the AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom are open! The Core Word Classroom is a free resource designed to support the implementation of any communication device based on core words.
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