

Supporting learning through consistent placement of core words.
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ExpressivePower™ provides AAC users a way to not only choose the right words but also the right tone.
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Respecting privacy in AAC
Autism Acceptance Month challenges us to examine how we teach autonomy and privacy to people learning to use AAC. Alyssa Hillary is an Autistic graduate student in neuroscience, where they do AAC-related research. Their perspective on privacy and autonomy was so powerful that it needed its own blog, which they tell about in their own words here.
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Making the most of Proloquo4Text
Proloquo4Text lets you type to communicate and connect. Discover all the features within the app to customize, personalize, and use it as easily as possible.
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Using AAC to talk about emotions
How did you learn to label your emotional state as “sad” or “tired”? This blog is full of strategies for teaching the spoken words for feelings - especially for AAC users.
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Grammar support
Grammar support for verbs, nouns, pronouns and adjectives to support language development.
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