Blogs with tag Adult AAC user


Including AAC users in AAC teams
AAC users Cole Sorensen and Donnie TC Denome share their perspectives on including AAC users in your AAC teams. This article is part of AssistiveWare’s team collaboration series, focusing on how all members of the AAC team can work together.
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You are not broken
Even as we have shifted from the idea of autism awareness to focus on autism acceptance, many of the campaigns out there have focused on how those around autistic people can learn to accept their autism.
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Autism acceptance? Not without autistic voices!
Autism acceptance is more than accepting the existence of autism. Autism acceptance is acknowledging the true experts on autism are autistic people. We cannot celebrate Autism Acceptance Month without using our platform to give the stage to autistic people.
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In-memoriam Michael Phillips
Michael Phillips, a disability advocate, passed away at age 39. Our CEO David Niemeijer looks back at the memories shared with Michael in the assistive technology world.
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Just Ask: What we can learn from AAC users
Last year, we launched a new section of our website called Learn AAC. Our next project was to better support AAC users themselves. Here we share the insights we got from AAC users on their experiences.
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Respecting privacy in AAC
Autism Acceptance Month challenges us to examine how we teach autonomy and privacy to people learning to use AAC. Alyssa Hillary is an Autistic graduate student in neuroscience, where they do AAC-related research. Their perspective on privacy and autonomy was so powerful that it needed its own blog, which they tell about in their own words here.
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Roleplaying Games and AAC
Proloquo2Go and Proloquo4Text user Darla talks about her love for roleplaying games. Darla explains why they’re a perfect method to teach social and communication skills, all with the help of AAC!
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Still enjoying our time together
Chuck Hummer was diagnosed with (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) ALS about 8 years ago. He now uses Proloquo2Go to communicate. He and his wife Sandra share their experience in living with ALS.
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From the ground up
Larry lost his speech due to a stroke, a devastating experience for himself and his family. Proloquo2Go is used not only to help him express himself but also to help with auditory comprehension.
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