Blogs with tag Proloquo4Text


Making the most of Proloquo4Text
Proloquo4Text lets you type to communicate and connect. Discover all the features within the app to customize, personalize, and use it as easily as possible.
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Catching up with Elina
Elina’s AAC journey is really special to us, since we’ve in some ways grown up together. We first featured her in a video when she was just 10 years old, and was already starting to master the Mac app Proloquo. More than a decade later, she’s got a lot going on. We caught up with her over email to ask about her education, what AAC means to her and what’s on the horizon.
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Behind the scenes with Lost Voice Guy
Lee Ridley AKA Lost Voice Guy can’t talk but isn’t silent. He is (probably) the first stand-up comedian to use a communication aid. He won Britain’s Got Talent 2018.
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The greatest gift: Niveyah's story
Niveyah has just started third grade, where she is an active member of her class. Not only is AAC vital to her school work, it plays an important role in having fun too!
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PolyPredix™ word prediction reduces typing efforts by 50% out-of-the box.
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