Blogs with tag Proloquo2Go


All their stories
The boys at the Black Mountain School in Australia use Pictello to express their storytelling skills. They are very excited that they can create stories themselves to share with their family and friends.
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The greatest gift: Niveyah's story
Niveyah has just started third grade, where she is an active member of her class. Not only is AAC vital to her school work, it plays an important role in having fun too!
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PolyPredix™ word prediction reduces typing efforts by 50% out-of-the box.
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Just an ordinary day
Lisa is a single mum and has a 6-year-old son called Hunter. Lisa lost her speech when she was a child. Just as so many others, she takes her son to school and then goes to university for her Business study.
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Finding her own voice - Vanessa part 2
This is the second time we filmed Vanessa, who is diagnosed with autism and now 4 years old. Since then, her confidence level has grown, and she is approaching other children using the app.
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