

To my fellow AAC parents - protect the parent/child bond
While learning how to become a supportive communication partner for your child, you need to protect your relationship with your child. Pam Harris, AAC coach and mom of an adult AAC user coaches parents to protect the parent/child bond above all else and shares how. This article is part of AssistiveWare’s team collaboration series, focusing on how all members of the AAC team can work together.
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Including AAC users in AAC teams
AAC users Cole Sorensen and Donnie TC Denome share their perspectives on including AAC users in your AAC teams. This article is part of AssistiveWare’s team collaboration series, focusing on how all members of the AAC team can work together.
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You are not broken
Even as we have shifted from the idea of autism awareness to focus on autism acceptance, many of the campaigns out there have focused on how those around autistic people can learn to accept their autism.
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Seven days of discounts for Autism Acceptance Month 2023
In honor of Autism Acceptance Month, we offer a week-long discount on all our popular AAC apps. From March 28 - April 3, get an extra trial month free on AssistiveWare’s newest apps Proloquo and Proloquo Coach, as well as a 50% discount on our other apps, including Proloquo2Go.
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How to talk about AAC and AAC users (according to them)
Words are the building blocks of language, and language is how we tell stories. It’s how we tell each other who we are. Words can shape perceptions—calling AAC a “clinical practice” paints a very different picture from saying AAC is “all the ways we communicate.”
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Nonspeaking people have more to say
For AAC Awareness Month 2022, we’re introducing #MoretoSay, a campaign to challenge assumptions about people who cannot speak. Assumptions that they have no opinions or anything to add to a conversation. Pam Harris, an AAC expert and Josh’s mom found that her son had more to say.
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