5 minute fillers: Fill every minute with core words!

  • 2 minute read

AssistiveWare's SLPs Amanda and Jennifer look at the different resources of the AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom that can help you plan for core words throughout the day. Read about one of the most popular resources in the classroom.

Over the past few months we have been taking a closer look at the AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom. We have looked at the different planners that allow you to plan, teach and then model a variety of core words, across activities and across the day. Read more about Core Word Planners or Core Word of the Week Planners if you missed it!

Core Word 5 Minute Fillers

Today we share one of our most popular resources, our Core Word 5 Minute Fillers. By using the Fillers, every team member can jump on board and start modeling core words straight away.

5 minute fillers provide teams with an easy reference guide. A one page sheet that focuses on what core words you could model during an activity. And we have chosen those activities that happen anywhere and everywhere. These activities are the quick and fun ones, as we know how many chances we can create to model core words during these engaging and interactive moments.

The words and ways

In every Core Word 5 Minute Filler, there is a table of words. At the top are the list of core words that you can use during the activity. These words have been sorted into what kind of words they are. You will see verbs, describing words, pronouns and more.

The second part of the table shows ways to combine the core words while you are doing the activity. We want to make sure we model other communication functions beyond requesting. That's why we have organised the ways into the different communication functions:
- Needs & Wants
- Giving/Getting Information
- Social Interaction

Activity Packs

Many of the schools we have been working with have used the Core Word 5 Minute Fillers to create activity packs. Combine the 5 Minute Filler with a Core Word board and the activity requirements, and you are ready to go whenever the chance arises!

Join the AssistiveWare Core Word Classroom now!

Why not join up today and check out the Core Word 5 Minute Fillers? So, grab your core word board or AAC system and model core words during engaging activities. You will find so many different ways to fill your time with core words! Have fun!


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